If you were looking for this site,
‘Welcome to my portfolio!’
If you weren’t looking for this site… well uh…
this is akward…
Staphon. What do you do?
Well Internet Mystery Person, I’ll tell you this: My Dad was a computer teacher and my mom was an art major. I love technology and art and when I found out in high school that Graphic Design combined the two, I took off and never looked back. I majored in Graphic Design in College while working in the IT field. I’ve since jumped into the world of Branding and Identity (as well as over a 7ft Bar… story for another time) at a firm that allows me to wrestle with a wide range of design (logos, websites, a yoga mat, t-shirts, business cards, wireframes, UI Icon Design, etc.)
I then took a break for a couple of months to reset and re-find my artistic passion and take care of my newborn daughter.
I was then asked to take a position in the Pixar Studio Store where I have happily greeted all guests for the last 3 years. While at Pixar, I have been pouring into my art skills and learning the art of story telling from some of the most brilliant minds in the world.
So to answer your question, I walk dogs.

Interactive is where we have seen Staphon really set himself apart. He is able to crunch data and work through the analytical aspect of web development. He has a strong understanding of the development process and works well with the interactive teams. He has also grown in his understanding of WordPress and general site upkeep and setup.
Versatyle Creative Inc.

I give Staphon a 9 out of 10. Why not a 10? I save those for Unicorns 😉 Why the 9? Because you are seriously awesome. Was impressed in a number of different ways. From how you conduct yourself, to your style, to your knack and understanding for the tech space. It’s obvious that you put your heart into everything you do and that you understand the value of true hard work.
Garrett Gee